Eric A. Soucia, CPA | CVA
Eric A. Soucia, CPA | CVA

Eric specializes in providing assurance, tax and consulting services to a diverse group of clients. His experience is primarily focused in the following industries: manufacturing, not-for-profit, automotive, wholesale/retail, construction, healthcare, and others. Eric was formerly with a large regional accounting firm where he specialized in providing attest services to closely-held, middle market clients.
Selected Experiences
- Provided accounting, auditing and consulting services to clients with revenues ranging from $1 million to $300 million.
- Performed audits of real estate projects encompassing Low Income Tax Credit, Historic Tax Credit and New Market Tax Credit programs.
- Performed cross-border tax planning for U.S. and Canadian entities and individuals including the development of transfer pricing models for international related party transactions, entity selection, and preparation of audited consolidated financial statements with annual revenues of $60 million.
- Assisted with the sale and due diligence of a $10 million manufacturer.
- Performed review of a manufacturer and prepared tax returns for 48 states.
- Assisted with purchase of a local manufacturer by an out-of-state venture capital company and secured over $2 million in New York State tax credits for purchaser.
- Assisted in the planning, execution and financing of a developmental stage technology company.
- Performed Department of Education student financial aid audits.
- Performed compliance audits for financial institutions.
- Executed operational audits of various manufacturing clients resulting in recommendations designed to increase operational and administrative efficiency.
- Assisted clients in obtaining bank financing through the preparation of business plans and cash flow projections.
- Assisted in planning and implementation of section 1031 tax free exchanges effectively sheltering millions of dollars from tax.
Professional/Community Affiliations
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants. He currently serves as a committee chair on the Buffalo Chapter of the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants.
Eric holds a B.S. in Accounting from Hilbert College with a minor in economic crime investigation.