Daniel Garigen, CPA
Daniel Garigen, CPA
Dan specializes in providing financial statement assurance services, CFO outsourced services, and attestation engagements relating to the internal controls of service organizations (SOC Engagements). Dan has been with Dansa D’Arata Soucia LLP since graduating from college in 2010.
Selected Experiences
- Supervised audits of both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations with revenues ranging from $1 million to $100 million. Structured the acquisition of qualified replacement property to defer over $20 million in gains resulting from a condemnation of real estate.
- Developed an audit program to be used by the firm to conduct over 100 SOC 2 engagements annually
- Featured in CFO Tech Outlook magazine in the April 2021, in an article titled “Demystifying SOC 2 Reporting”
- Assisted in the marketing and sale of a local software company to a public company for an estimated $55 million; the firm has been retained by purchaser to assist with transition and continued growth of company
- Participated in various litigation support engagements, including fraud examinations, damage calculations, and internal control studies
- Assisted with tax planning and consulting services related to various business mergers and acquisitions, including the structuring of such transactions and the related purchase accounting
- Assisted clients in implementation of new accounting and auditing standards
- Performed annual audits of federal award recipients in accordance with OMB Circular A-133, numerous audits to monitor compliance with HUD Sections 8 and 221(d)(4), as well as audits in accordance with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development Agency (RDA) Section 515 loan program
- Prepared multi-year projections for clients to obtain bank financing
- Secured an investment for a client, achieving a valuation of over $60 million, by managing the due diligence process, which included preparing multi-year income and cash flow projections, as well as disclosures of key assumptions
- Involved in numerous acquisitions performing buy-side due diligence resulting in significant adjustments to purchase price in clients’ favor
Professional Affiliations
- American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
- The New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants
- Treasurer – Lancaster Country Club
- Various client advisory boards
Dan graduated magna cum laude with a BS/MS degree in Professional Accountancy from Daemen College.